Web Directory Large Calves: Build Calf Muscles Workout #1

Monday, July 23, 2012

Build Calf Muscles Workout #1

Build Calf Muscles Workout #1

This post is to complement the Video Blog #1 in written form.  For those of you starting out, please watch the video first and then read the following workout:

Month 1

Week 1: (perform workout one time...preferably Monday)

1st Set:  Pick a weight for single leg seated calves (or modified like shown in the video blog #1) that you can do 20 reps on your first try.  That is where you will start the program at.  The first exercise is to complete 100 reps on BOTH legs (total of 200 reps) in any increments that you can handle with the weight you have selected.

2nd Set:  Get some type of platform that you can stay balanced and perform your single leg standing calves.  The total amount of reps will be the same, which is 100 reps per leg.  As before, any increment amounts are satisfactory as long as you finish before moving on.

3rd Set-  Pick up a pair of 30lb dumbells in each hand (more if you can handle it) and perform the heavy pedals.  It might take a few attempts to last the 100 total pedals, but once your quadriceps get used to the explosive movement,  you'll be fine.  This is creating a shock to the calves, but watch how hard you are hitting the ground as you don't want to put too much stress on the knees.  This will be very important when you make it up to the higher weights.

4th Set-  The squating calve stretch is just meant as a final burn out and allows a higher blood flow to accumulate in your calve muscles.

Week 2:
All Sets are the same,  but we are increasing the frequency to 2 days (hopefully Monday and Thursday)

Week 3:
All Sets are the same, but we are increasing the frequency to 3 days (hopefully Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Also, start increasing your weights accordingly.

Week 4:
All sets are the same.  Increase your weights once again.

Note:  You will have tight calves and extremely sore calves after the first week.  This is due to the stress put on the insertion points of the calf muscles.  A combination of the muscles, tendons and ligaments will be very apparant to you as you get out of bed the next morning.  I promise this pain will be a vague memory by the end of the second week.  Good luck and stay tuned for month 2!

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