Web Directory Large Calves: August 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Large Calves Update- Month 2

Large Calves
Month 2 Update
Before we get into the results and progress pics, I wanted to go over a few key points with our first month on the program.  Three times a week was no problem as far as having sore calves the next day.  One issue that came about after the second week was the Achilles tendon while doing the seated single leg calves.  I caught myself after the fact of letting my leg almost bounce the weight back up instead of a nice and controlled movement.  I now have a bit of tendonitis in my right Achilles, but am still able to do all the exercises without any pain.  Just something to watch out for as we continue our workouts.  Also, careful with the heavy pedals in regards to any knee issues you might have.  Going up into the higher weights will put a lot of strain on that join with the position your putting yourself in. 
Now for the progress pics and results:

Blake (Top Pics): 15 3/8"------- A whopping 1/2" in growth!
Brad (Bottom Pics): 15 1/2"--- Only a 1/8" in growth.....weaaaaaak!

One thing to note is the difference between our problems in starting to build calf muscles.  Blake's problems is what we call slim or thin calves.  We will go into more detail in later posts, but what he is lacking is a bigger soleus muscle.  In our first month, you can see how we were more focused on heavier weights on the seated calves to help build that muscle.  My issue (Brad) is a lack of a prominent gastrocnemius muscle.  We target this specific set by doing the straight single leg calve raises that you saw in the video, but with only our body weights.  Stay tuned for the month 2 video that will show you taking care of that issue.  Then we'll see who gets the results!!!